Thursday, October 9, 2008


Not enough teens are eating fruits (bananas, apples, oranges) these days. They're eating too much candy.

Get kids to eat more fruits (specifically the great banana). Create a heightened experience to sell the banana (through EMOTION, FUNCTION = VALUE) using New Media as the vehicle.

Choose 1 of 3 different fruits that are all competing to be eaten (Ours is the banana)
· List all the advantages/disadvantages
· Consider all other fruits competition
· Students will work in groups of 2: get one fruit

New Media Goals:
· Create a New Media driven campaign that will make the banana irresistable to the target demographic (cool, tasty, awesome). Can your experience prove to be valuable and memorable.
· You have all the tools of New Media at your disposal (Web, Video, Audio, Viral Marketing) to create this fantastic, innovative experience.
· Remember the definition of New Media
· The sky is the limit. You have no budget. We will celebrate innovation, the cool and the fantastic! You have the best programmers at your disposal.

· Tweens and Teens
- Research strategies:
· What are kids into these days? How can we connect with them?

October 2:
- Get in your pairs and develop a strategy for the next 2 weeks
- Write down everything you know about this topic
- Immediately brainstorm 3-6 assumptions/ideas/ways of tackling/selling this problem
- After class, post to the blog

October 9:
- Research and validate your ideas that you generated in class
- Develop another 3 solid ideas/concepts
- Have all your research and develop posted on the blog before class (otherwise late)
- Class at my place next week (so we can use computers)
- Have multiple ideas (IN SKETCH FORM) generated and ready to present in class (NARRATIVE)
- Either on the process template or on screen (present a suitable narrative)

October 16th:
- Have all your developments posted on the blog before class
- Present refined visuals of your concept (to be determined with instructor)
- Hand in your process books

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